- The title of my book with Dr. Myung Oh, first published by Routledge in 2011 with the subtitle "Building an information society" and a second edition published in August 2019 with the new subtitle "Lessons for a sustainable world."
- A main subject of the Stony Brook University course, EST 230 - Information and Communications Technology for Sustainable Development, offered for the first time at SUNY Korea Spring semester 2016 as part of a new specialization for undergraduates.
Information about the first edition, Digital Development in Korea: Building an Information Society (with Myung Oh) London: Routledge, 2011, including a preview on Google Books, can be found here.
When the first edition was published, I thought readers of this blog might be interested in some of my personal reasons for co-authoring this book. Five of them are as follows (click on the hyperlink to read the full blog post on each of the reasons):
Reason 1- Lack of Any Competing Books
Reason 2- History
Reason 3- Language
Reason 4- The Book Format
Reason 5- The Review Process